
On this episode of WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ? we’re checking out the 1977 sleazy action film TOO HOT TO HANDLE which features softcore queen Cheri Caffaro as hitwoman Samatha Fox who travels to – surprise! – the Phillipines to take out four criminals while simultaneously falling for the cop (Aharon Ipalé) who is hot on her trail. We’re also talking about EROTICA, 90s softcore porn and – of course – all things VIC DIAZ! Check it out!


On the latest episode of WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ? we’re going BEYOND ATLANTIS with Eddie Romero’s odd (sorta) undersea riff on The Treasure of the Sierra Madre featuring bug eyed Atlanteans, John Wayne’s kid, the great Sid Haig and – of course – VIC DIAZ! Along the way we talk about colonialism, Vietnam, go deep on Haig’s career and SO MUCH MORE. Check it out!

BEYOND ATLANTIS is currently available to stream on the TUBI streaming service!


On this episode of WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ? we’re heading back to 1973 and the surprisingly Filipino-centric war film A TASTE OF HELL. Starring William Smith as an American soldier helping local villagers fight off the Japanese during World War II and John Gardwood as a soldier who gets horribly burned by a Japanese attack and haunts the nearby villages as a monstrous hunchback! It’s real weird. But it does have a delightful moustache twirling performance by Vic Diaz, and also a pretty amazing decapitation that may or may not directly involve the man. Check it out!


Convicted of a crime he didn’t commit, John Merill (kickboxing champ Jerry Trimble) is sent to a brutal island prison run by the sadistic Warden Acosta (Vic Diaz!) in 1993’s LIVE BY THE FIST, a straight up remake of 1991’s BLOODFIST III! This one has George Takei, though! On this episode of WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ? we took a close look at this Roger Corman-produced, Cirio H. Santiago-directed action film which features some pretty decent action and.. not much else! CHECK IT OUT!


Billed as “the screen’s first erotic kung-fu classic”, FIRECRACKER stars RAW FORCE’s Jillian Kesner as a butt-kicking karate expert who travels to Hong Kong (actually the Philippines) to track down her journalist sister who recently vanished. Featuring topless fight scenes, stick fighting and, of course, Vic Diaz as “Grip”. Essentially a remake of TNT JACKSON (which director Cirio H. Santiago would remake again in 1992 as ANGELFIST), FIRECRACKER is extremely silly, but is it any fun? Listen to the latest episode of WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ and find out!

Beware! They are still at large! On this episode of WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ it’s 1974’s SAVAGE SISTERS, a wonderfully cartoonish (sorta) women-in-prison film full of outrageous humor, double crossing and – of course Vic Diaz as ONE EYE. Gloria Hendry, Cheri Caffaro and Rosanna Ortiz play the titular characters, with Sid Haig, Eddie Garcia and John Ashley (who also produced) as their often ridiculous foils. What did we think? Listen and find out!


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On this limb-shattering episode of WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ? we’re heading to 1989 and a film that was in EVERY video store in the early 90s: BLOODFIST! Starring Don “The Dragon” Wilson, Billy Blanks and – of course – Vic Diaz, the film has Wilson’s character infiltrate an underground martial arts tournament to find out the mysterious circumstances behind his brother’s death. Sound familiar? It should! Let’s check it out!


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We’re still wondering WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ? and on this episode we’re staying spooky.. kinda with 1978’s VAMPIRE HOOKERS! Starring John Carradine as a vampire hanging out in the Philippines with a bevy of bodacious lady vampires, it’s an extremely silly horror-comedy featuring an incredible theme song and Vic Diaz as a flatulent familiar. But is it any good? Let’s find out!


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We continue to ask the question WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ? as we look at the gonzo action/exploitation film WONDER WOMEN from 1973, featuring a very sweaty Ross Hagen, a very camp Sid Haig, a very mysterious Nancy Kwan and VIC DIAZ! Featuring cockfighting, buggy chases, mutants, KUNG FU and so much more!

Here’s the comic mentioned near the end of today’s episode:





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We’re once again wondering WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ? in 1965’s OPERATION C.I.A., which features Burt Reynolds as Mark Andrews, an agent sent to Saigon (here played by Thailand) as the Vietnam war is heating up in order to stop an assassination. While this Bond-inspired spy film from director Christian Nyby is pretty uneventful, it features a great supporting villainous turn from Vic Diaz, and some two-fisted fun from a mustache-less Reynolds. LET’S WATCH!