
Check out the full WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ? archive right here

We knew this day was coming, but it’s the FINAL EPISODE of WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ?, our glorious deep-dive into the film career of “the Filipino Peter Lorre” Vic Diaz which was one of our first ever podcasts under the Cinema Smorgasbord banner. It’s been a fine few years, and what better way to round things out than with an all-timer exploitation classic starring Pam Grier and Margaret Markov as two women chained together and making their way through a peril-filled “South American” jungle. Add in a truly demented Sid Haig performance and you’ve got a recipe for (filthy) fun. And of course we have a tremendous Vic Diaz performance as the sleazy drug dealer Victor “Vic” Cheng! Let’s end this thing with a bang!


Check out the full WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ? archive right here

On this episode of WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ? we’re with two American lunkheads (played by Jock Gaynor and Larry Ward) exploring shipwrecks in the Philippines when one of them happens upon the skeleton of an ancient Moro princess.. UH OH! Soon we’ve got possession, murder, cock fighting, nude underwater photography and a whole lot more (including Vic Diaz)! It even has a fun twist thrown in for good measure. All that and a conversation about sexploitation films and how they make us feel (the answer may surprised you). ENJOY!

Watch THE DEATHHEAD VIRGIN right here:


Check out the full WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ? archive right here

On this episode of WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ? (the world’s finest podcast devoted to “the Filipino Peter Lorre” Vic Diaz) we’re checking out the oddball 1971 (though filmed in 1965) B&W sorta-spy horror film BLOOD THIRST featuring a wise-cracking cop in a foreign land, a monster that looks like a diseased testicle, many legitimate – and accidental – red herrings and, of course, the legendary Vic Diaz playing a rare good guy. It’s pretty entertaining with some nice photography, and also consistently strange for its brief 75-minute run time. We also chat about diseases, FLETCH, and SO MUCH MORE! Check it out!

You can watch the whole movie on YouTube right here:


Check out the full WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ? archive right here

WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ is BACK! On this episode Tom Selleck is an American museum curator in the Philippines who becomes obsessed with a painting of three witches being burned at the stake when he notices one eerily resembles his young wife Chris (Barra Grant) in 1972’s DAUGHTERS OF SATAN. What follows is SATANISM, witchery, a demon dog from HELL, and lots and lots of day-for-night filmmaking. Also.. the wonderful Vic Diaz as the fiendish antiques dealer Carlos Ching! Let’s explore it together, friends.

As discussed on this episode, watch Pagbabalik ng Lawin (1975) right here:


Check out the full WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ? archive right here

On a brand new WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ?, James Iglehart is out for some samurai sword-based revenge in Cirio H. Santiago’s 1978 martial arts exploitation film DEATH FORCE (aka FIGHTING MAD)! Featuring plenty of decapitations, some problematic sword training, and – of course – our man Vic Diaz. CHECK IT OUT!


Check out the full WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ? archive right here

Leslie Nielsen is leading a group of brainwashed, drugged up SUPER SOLDIERS in the Philippines but after taking a break from his daily dose of super soldier serum he starts to grow a conscience and goes on the run, with his first-in-command Gary Lockwood hot on his trail in William Girdler’s conspiracy action film PROJECT: KILL from 1976. If you like seeing two old, not-very-flexible actors throwing kicks and uppercuts while Filipino stuntmen go flying, this is the movie for you. Best of all SPECIAL GUEST Vic Diaz shows up to gnaw on the scenery. Check it out!


Check out the full WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ? archive right here

On this high kicking episode of WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ? we’re setting off with a nudity-filled sexploitation comedy mixed with a martial arts action film featuring a dash of the living dead, cannibalism, Nazis, explosions and a heck of a lot more with the wild 1981 mashup RAW FORCE from director Edward D. Murphy! Starring Cameron Mitchell, Geoffrey Binney, Hope Holiday, FIRECRACKER’s Jillian Kesner and – of course – Vic Diaz, this one is goofy as hell, and occasionally lives up to its extra lurid poster art. We also discuss cult film revivals, what it means for a film to be “trash”, the definition of exploitation and all sorts of other heady topics. CHECK IT OUT!


Check out the full WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ? archive right here

On this episode of WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ? we’re heading into the jungle with Filipino thespian Vic Diaz in the 1978 Vietnam war drama THE BOYS IN COMPANY C, starring Stan Shaw, Andrew Stevens, and Craig Wasson. Similar in structure to Full Metal Jacker (and featuring R. Lee Ermey in a very similar role), it’s a sometimes odd, sometimes hard-hitting look at a controversial war that also includes a whole lot of soccer for some reason. It’s pretty good, and very different than the usual fair we cover on this podcast. CHECK IT OUT!


Check out the full WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ? archive right here

On this episode of WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ? we’re discussing the obscure – and unreleased in the USA – action film SPYDER from 1988 starring kickboxing champion Blake Bahner as BRAD SPYDER, a cop on the edge who travels to Hawaii to find out what happened to his beloved (and very dead) partner. If that sounds at all familiar, it’s because Roger Corman bought the rights to the film and had it re-edited and released as BLACKBELT II! It’s an action-packed (and very short) COBRA rip-off. LET’S TALK ABOUT IT.

As mentioned on the episode, you can watch the “Gravetour of the Famous” YouTube video, featuring the graves of Vic Diaz and Teddy Diaz here:



On this episode of WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ? we’re checking out the Phillipines-shot blaxploitation classic SAVAGE! from 1973, directed by Cirio H. Santiago and starring James Iglehart and Carol Speed! It’s full of explosions, knife throwing, inconsistent facial hair and a soundtrack full of jazz flute, so you KNOW it’s good. We also talk about our tricky history with the blaxploitation genre and, of course, all things Vic Diaz. CHECK IT OUT!

Listen to our entire archive of WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ episodes right here.