Check out the full Wild in the Streets archive right here
On this episode of WILD IN THE STREETS, Tomas Milian is RAMBO in Umberto Lenzi’s spaghetti-western influenced SYNDICATE SADISTS from 1975! After Rambo’s friend is brutally murdered, he takes it upon himself to go up against two criminal gangs (one led by Joseph Cotton’s Paternò), while also rescuing a young boy who has been kidnapped. Does he manage to embarrass them all while everyone gazes on him in total awe? Yep! Check it out!
Check out the full You Don’t Know Dick archive right here
On this episode of YOU DON’T KNOW DICK we’re boldly going where no podcast has gone before with Dick Miller in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine two-parter ‘Past Tense’. Wildly considered one of the best (and most prescient) episodes of the series, it looks at the state of cities in the far off future of 2024 and how struggling people are carted off to walled off ‘sanctuaries’, and one of the people guarding these sanctuaries is none other than Dick Miller. Joining us on this trek across the stars is our Bartel Me Something Good podcast co-host (and Trekkie) Adrianna Gober, who makes the case of DS9 being the best of all Star Treks, and is utterly baffled by the choice to watch a Rod Stewart music video (also featuring Dick Miller). A good time was had by all. CHECK IT OUT!
Check out the full We Do Our Own Stunts archive right here
Jackie Chan in AMERICA! On this episode of WE DO OUR OWN STUNTS Jackie makes his first American excursion to star in the Robert Clouse directed comedy-action vehicle THE BIG BRAWL (aka BATTLE CREEK BRAWL). Despite Jackie knowing very little English (and having to promote the film on American television) and working a very different style than he was used to, the film is actually a ton of fun – as long as you don’t go in expecting the acrobatic fighting from his recent Hong Kong films. We also chat about the recent RIDE ON controversy, Jackie’s appearances in HIDDEN STRIKE and TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES: MUTANT MAYHEM, and SO MUCH MORE. Check it out!
Here’s video of Jackie promoting THE BIG BRAWL on US TV:
Check out the full WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ? archive right here
They took his girl. Now he’s taking them STRAIGHT TO HELL! On this episode of WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ we’re getting properly post-apocalyptic with Cirio H. Santiago’s Mad Max-“inspired”, giant gun classic EQUALIZER 2000 starring Richard Norton (/w frosted tips), Corinne Wahl and a VERY young Robert Patrick in only his second ever role! There’s lots of gunfire, explosions and – blissfully – almost no plot to be concerned with, and it delivers the promise of a very big gun that mows down tons of faceless bad guys. HOORAY. We also chat a bit about the long tradition of post-apocalyptic films and some of our favs, and – of course – we dive into an appearance by the legendary Vic Diaz. CHECK IT OUT!
Check out the full HOW DO YOU DO, FELLOW KIDS? archive right here
We tried. We tried our best to find some small piece of enjoyment in Dennis Dugan’s bafflingly misguided I NOW PRONOUNCE YOU CHUCK & LARRY, a film about two straight firefighters (played by Adam Sandler & Kevin James) who decide to get married in order to deal with some uncomfortable pension-related paperwork. Overstuffed with pitiful racist, sexist and homophobic stereotypes, it’s – even worse – completely unfunny, and has a horribly confused message at its core. Yeesh. Anyway, we get angry about that, but there’s also plenty of chat about the ongoing writer/actor strike, and – of course – all the latest Steve Buscemi news. CHECK IT OUT, JERKS.
Check out our Eric Roberts is the Man archive right here.
Retired pro-wrestler Gail Kim, Pat Morita and Eric Roberts (and Eric Roberts’ hair!) star in the bizarre 2009 action fantasy ROYAL KILL, which features a totally bonkers twist and.. not a lot else! Alexander Wraith plays Adam Arthavan, a royal guard sent to protect a young girl – unknowingly the daughter of his king – from Gail Kim’s silent assassin. It’s kind of like The Terminator, except infinitely worse! Talking with us about Royal Kill (aka Ninja’s Creed) is restaurateur, chef and Nova Scotian Allan McPherson, who also gets to hear all the latest Eric Roberts news and tweets. Lucky! Join us, jerks!
On this swashbuckling episode of FURTHER REEDING we’re diving into Richard Lester’s incredibly entertaining 1973 action comedy THE THREE MUSKETEERS, starring Michael York, Frank Finlay, Richard Chamberlain, Raquel Welch, Christopher Lee, Charlton Heston and – of course – Oliver Reed as Athos. Playing a character who is a heavy drinker and fighter might not have been a stretch for Reed, but he still got up to plenty of trouble on-set and we go through some of the more memorable stories and incidents that occurred during filming. We also chat about sword-fighting, blunderbusses, the origins of the term “musketeer” and so much more. CHECK IT OUT!
You can find Leslie on Twitter @PopShifter, and Further Reeding can be found on Twitter @FutherReeding!
JodoWOWsky returns with a trifecta of Alejandro Jodorowsky-penned comic work from the 1990s, starting with the fantastical (and very odd) MOON FACE from 1992 (illustrated by François Boucq), then moving into the playfully erotic Angel Claws from 1994 (with explicit illustrations by Jean “Moebius” Giraud), and finishing with the western-tinged action-filled redemption tale Son of the Gun from 1995 (illustrated by Georges Bess). We also check out all the latest Alejandro Jodorowsky news, as well as the recent music video by Adanowsky (with Beck) for the song “Chain Reactionary”, directed by Michel Gondry. Check it out!
Check out the music video for the Adanowsky & Beck collaboration “Chain Reaction”, directed by Michel Gondry
Julia Marchese is a filmmaker, actor, writer, film programmer and podcaster. Julia’s first film was Out of Print, a documentary about the importance of revival cinema and 35mm to culture. The film has played all over the world in film archives, art house cinemas and universities. The 35mm print of the film is now housed at The Academy Film Archives. Her next project is a short film adaptation of Stephen King’s short story “I Know What You Need”. She is the co-host of Horror Movie Survival Guide, a weekly podcast that takes a deep dive into a different horror film each week, focusing on how to become the final girl. You can follow her on her social media platforms
Check out the George A Romero Foundation’s recently announced HORROR X @GARFHorrorX on Twitter
Find the entire George Kennedy is my Copilot archive right here
We’re getting silly on a brand new episode of George Kennedy is my Copilot with Greydon Clark’s Airplane-inspired horror spoof WACKO from 1982 featuring Joe Don Baker, Stella Stevens, Julia Duffy, Andrew “not yet Dice” Clay and – of course – George Kennedy as the kinda creepy Mr. Doctor Graves! It’s full of sight gags, puns, Hitchcock references and not a heck of a lot else. We also fit in a discussion on the Clint Black video for “Summer’s Comin'” which features a lovely George Kennedy cameo (amongst a slew of other celebs). CHECK IT OUT!
Watch the Clint Black video for “Summer’s Comin'” right here:
Check out Sarah Jane on Twitter @FookThis, as well as the White Slaves of Chinatown YouTube page. And check out her writing over at the Austin Chronicle right here.
Check out our Cinema Fantastica archive right here.
On this episode of Cinema Fantastica we travel all the way to Molins de Rei, near Barcelona, Spain to attend the 1990 edition of the Molins Horror Film Festival. Or, more accurately, we’re attending the Dotze hores de Cine de Terror de Molins de Rei, a ten hour marathon of recent horror movies that was initially established way back in 1973! The 1990 edition featured a slew of interesting horror films, and our hosts have chosen two to battle against each other: the super-intelligent dog chased by a sasquatch-monkey thing Canadian horror film WATCHERS from 1988 /w Corey Haim and Michael Ironside, and the star-studded underwater mutant monster film LEVIATHAN from 1989 /w Peter Weller, Ernie Hudson, Daniel Stern and more. WHICH FILM REIGNS SUPREME? Listen and find out!