
Check out our Cinema Fantastica archive right here.

On this episode of Cinema Fantastica we travel all the way to Molins de Rei, near Barcelona, Spain to attend the 1990 edition of the Molins Horror Film Festival. Or, more accurately, we’re attending the Dotze hores de Cine de Terror de Molins de Rei, a ten hour marathon of recent horror movies that was initially established way back in 1973! The 1990 edition featured a slew of interesting horror films, and our hosts have chosen two to battle against each other: the super-intelligent dog chased by a sasquatch-monkey thing Canadian horror film WATCHERS from 1988 /w Corey Haim and Michael Ironside, and the star-studded underwater mutant monster film LEVIATHAN from 1989 /w Peter Weller, Ernie Hudson, Daniel Stern and more. WHICH FILM REIGNS SUPREME? Listen and find out!


Check out the full Wild in the Streets archive right here

We’re getting WILD IN THE STREETS with Henry Silva and Woody Strode in Fernando Di Leo’s THE ITALIAN CONNECTION from 1972! Starring Mario Adorf as a Milanese pimp wanted by the mob for a crime he didn’t commit, it takes its time getting going, but eventually turns into a story of violent revenge, including one of the finest chase sequences you’re likely to ever see! We discuss some of our other favorite chase scenes, Liam’s crime connections and SO MUCH MORE. Check it out!


Check out the full WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ? archive right here

On this high kicking episode of WHATEVER HAPPENED TO VIC DIAZ? we’re setting off with a nudity-filled sexploitation comedy mixed with a martial arts action film featuring a dash of the living dead, cannibalism, Nazis, explosions and a heck of a lot more with the wild 1981 mashup RAW FORCE from director Edward D. Murphy! Starring Cameron Mitchell, Geoffrey Binney, Hope Holiday, FIRECRACKER’s Jillian Kesner and – of course – Vic Diaz, this one is goofy as hell, and occasionally lives up to its extra lurid poster art. We also discuss cult film revivals, what it means for a film to be “trash”, the definition of exploitation and all sorts of other heady topics. CHECK IT OUT!


Check out the full HOW DO YOU DO, FELLOW KIDS? archive right here

We’ve waited a long time to get into it, but on this episode of HOW DO YOU DO, FELLOW KIDS? we’re finally checking out Quentin Tarantino’s breakthrough 1992 crime thriller RESERVOIR DOGS, starring Harvey Keitel, Michael, Madsen, Tim Roth, Chris Penn, and – of course – Steve Buscemi as Mr. Pink. We discuss its triumphs and controversies, as well as how our feelings on the film – and Tarantino – have changed over the past thirty years. We also discuss Pete Davidson’s new sitcom Bupkis, the live action Little Mermaid and SO MUCH MORE. Check it out!